
Cambridge A-Level Courses: Explore All Your Subject Options

by Ignite Training Institute

Embarking on the journey of Cambridge A-Level courses marks a significant milestone in a student’s academic career. Cambridge International AS and A-Level qualifications are renowned globally for their rigor, depth, and versatility, offering students an unparalleled opportunity to excel in their chosen subjects. With a curriculum designed to foster critical thinking, independent learning, and academic excellence, Cambridge A-Levels prepare students for success in higher education and beyond. 

At Ignite Training Institute, we recognize the importance of providing comprehensive support to students navigating the challenges of Cambridge A-Level courses. That’s why we offer specialized tutoring support tailored to the unique needs of A-Level students, ensuring they have the guidance, resources, and encouragement they need to thrive academically and achieve their goals. 

Cambridge A-Level Courses: Here’s Your Options

Are you considering pursuing Cambridge A-Level courses but feeling overwhelmed by the many subjects available? Don’t worry; we’re here to guide you through your options. Cambridge International AS and A-Level qualifications offer diverse subjects, allowing students to tailor their academic journey to their interests, strengths, and future aspirations. Here’s a breakdown of the subjects you can choose from:

List Of All Cambridge A-Level/AS-Level Courses: 

  1. Accounting – 9706
  2. Afrikaans – Language – 8679 (AS Level only) 
  3. Arabic – 9680
  4. Arabic Language – 8680 (AS Level only)
  5. Art & Design – 9479
  6. Biblical Studies (9484) New
  7. Biology – 9700
  8. Business (9609)
  9. Chemistry – 9701
  10. Chinese – Language & Literature – 9868 New (A Level only)
  11. Chinese – Language (AS Level only) – 8681
  12. Chinese (A Level only) – 9715
  13. Chinese Language (AS Level only) – 8238 New
  14. Classical Studies – 9274
  15. Computer Science – 9618
  16. Design & Technology – 9705
  17. Design & Textiles – 9631
  18. Digital Media & Design – 9481
  19. Drama – 9482
  20. Economics – 9708
  21. English – Language and Literature – 8695 (AS Level only)
  22. English – Literature – 9695
  23. English General Paper – 8021 (AS Level only)
  24. English Language – 9093
  25. Environmental Management (AS only) – 8291
  26. French – Language (AS Level only) – 8682
  27. French (A Level only) – 9716
  28. French Language & Literature – 9898
  29. French Language (AS Level only) – 8028
  30. Geography – 9696
  31. German – Language – 8027 (AS Level only)
  32. German Language – 8683 (AS Level only)
  33. German (A Level only) – 9717
  34. German Language & Literature (A Level only) – 9897
  35. Global Perspectives & Research – 9239
  36. Hindi – Language (AS Level only) – 8687
  37. Hindi – Literature (AS Level only) – 8675
  38. Hindi (A Level only) – 9687
  39. Hinduism – 9487
  40. History – 9489
  41. Information Technology – 9626
  42. Islamic Studies – 9488
  43. Japanese Language (AS Level only) – 8281
  44. Law – 9084
  45. Marine Science – 9693
  46. Mathematics – 9709
  47. Mathematics – Further – 9231
  48. Media Studies – 9607
  49. Music – 9483
  50. Physical Education – 9396
  51. Physics – 9702
  52. Portuguese Language – 8684 (AS Level only)
  53. Portuguese (A Level only) – 9718
  54. Psychology – 9990
  55. Sociology – 9699
  56. Spanish First Language – 8665 (AS Level only)
  57. Spanish – Language & Literature – 9844 New (A Level only)
  58. Spanish Language – 8685 (AS Level only) 
  59. Spanish Literature – 8673 (AS Level only)
  60. Spanish (A Level only) – 9719
  61. Spanish Language – 8022 New (AS Level only)
  62. Sport & Physical Education (AS Level only) (8386) New
  63. Tamil – 9689 (A Level only)
  64. Tamil Language (AS Level only) – 8689 
  65. Thinking Skills – 9694
  66. Travel & Tourism – 9395
  67. Urdu – Language – 8686 (AS Level only)
  68. Urdu – Pakistan only – 9686  (A Level only)
  69. Urdu – 9676 (A Level only)

Core A-Level Subjects:

  1. Mathematics: A fundamental subject with various strands such as Pure Mathematics, Mechanics, and Statistics. Ideal for students interested in pursuing degrees in STEM fields or those requiring strong analytical skills.
  1. English Language and Literature: Explores the intricacies of the English language, including literature analysis, creative writing, and language structure. Suitable for students passionate about literature, and language, or pursuing careers in writing, journalism, or communication.
  1. Science: Includes options like Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. These subjects delve into the principles and applications of the natural world, laying the groundwork for further studies in scientific disciplines or related fields like medicine, engineering, or environmental science.
  1. Languages: Cambridge offers many languages, including French, Spanish, German, Mandarin, Arabic, and many others. Learning a foreign language not only enhances cultural understanding but also opens doors to international opportunities in business, diplomacy, and tourism.

Elective A-Level Subjects:

  1. Social Sciences: Subjects like Economics, Psychology, Sociology, and Geography provide insights into human behavior, societal structures, and global issues. These disciplines are invaluable for students interested in fields such as social work, politics, economics, or urban planning.
  1. Arts and Humanities: From History and Literature to Art and Music, these subjects foster creativity, critical thinking, and cultural appreciation. Ideal for students passionate about the arts, and history, or pursuing careers in fields like museum curation, teaching, or journalism.
  1. Business Studies: Offers a comprehensive understanding of business principles, management techniques, and entrepreneurial skills. Suitable for students aspiring to careers in business, finance, marketing, or management.
  1. Computer Science: Explores programming languages, algorithms, and information technology. With the growing importance of technology in every industry, studying computer science opens doors to careers in software development, cybersecurity, data analysis, and more.

Further Mathematics

For students with a strong aptitude for mathematics, Further Mathematics offers a deeper exploration of advanced topics like calculus, algebra, and discrete mathematics. This subject is highly recommended for those pursuing degrees in mathematics, engineering, or physics.

Thinking Skills

Cambridge also offers a Thinking Skills qualification, focusing on critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. This interdisciplinary subject enhances students’ ability to analyze complex issues and make informed judgments, valuable in any academic or professional pursuit.

Practical & Vocational Subjects

Additionally, Cambridge provides practical and vocational subjects such as Design and Technology, Accounting, and Physical Education. These subjects offer hands-on learning experiences and prepare students for specific careers or further vocational training.

Related: A-Level Grading System Explained: From A* To E & Beyond

Understanding The Cambridge A-Level Structure

Embarking on your Cambridge A-Level journey is an exciting and pivotal moment in your academic career. But before diving into your chosen subjects, it’s essential to grasp the structure of the Cambridge International AS and A-Level program. Understanding how the program is organized will help you navigate your studies effectively and make informed decisions along the way. Let’s break down the Cambridge A-Level structure:

1. AS-Level and A-Level; The Cambridge International AS (Advanced Subsidiary) Level is typically completed in the first year of study and can serve as a standalone qualification. It offers a broad foundation in your chosen subjects, allowing you to explore different fields before committing to full A-level study.

The Cambridge International A-Level is completed over two years and builds upon the knowledge gained in the AS-Level. A-Levels delve deeper into subject content and require more advanced analytical and critical thinking skills. Students typically sit for final examinations at the end of the second year.

2. Grading System: Cambridge A-Levels are graded on a scale from A* (highest) to E (lowest), with a passing grade considered to be an E or above. Each subject is assessed through a combination of examinations and, in some cases, coursework or practical assessments.

3. Unit System: Subjects are divided into units, each covering specific topics or themes. The number of units varies depending on the subject and level of study. For example, Mathematics A-Level might consist of several units covering topics such as calculus, algebra, and statistics.

4. Assessment Methods: Assessment methods may include written examinations, practical assessments, coursework, or a combination of these. Written examinations typically take place at the end of the course, while practical assessments and coursework may be spread out over the duration of the program.

5. Flexibility: One of the key advantages of the Cambridge A-Level program is its flexibility. Students have the freedom to choose their subjects based on their interests and career goals. Whether you’re interested in pursuing a career in science, humanities, business, or the arts, there’s a combination of subjects to suit your aspirations.

6. Recognition and Acceptance: Cambridge A-Levels are globally recognized and highly regarded by universities, employers, and governments worldwide. They provide a solid foundation for further study at the university level and open doors to a wide range of academic and career opportunities.

Related: A-Level Subjects & Choices For Best Subject Combinations

How To Choose The Right A-Level Subjects?

Selecting the appropriate A-level subjects is a pivotal choice that can profoundly influence your academic path and future career prospects. Below are some suggestions to assist you in making well-informed decisions:

  1. Assess Your Interests and Passions: Reflect on subjects that genuinely interest you or that you excel in. Consider what you enjoy learning about and where your strengths lie. Choosing subjects that align with your interests can make studying more engaging and enjoyable.
  1. Consider Your Career Goals: Think about your long-term career aspirations and which subjects are relevant to your desired field. Research the academic requirements for your chosen career path and select subjects that will provide a solid foundation for further study or entry into your desired profession.
  1. Seek Advice and Guidance: Consult with teachers, counselors, and family members who can provide valuable insights and guidance. They can help you understand the academic and practical implications of your subject choices and offer personalized recommendations based on your strengths and goals.
  1. Keep Your Options Open: While it’s essential to focus on subjects related to your career goals, it’s also wise to keep your options open. Choose a balance of subjects that provide breadth and depth of knowledge, allowing you to explore different disciplines and maintain flexibility in your academic pursuits.
  1. Consider Prerequisites and University Requirements: Research the entry requirements for universities or colleges you’re interested in attending. Some institutions may have specific subject requirements for certain courses or programs, so ensure your chosen subjects align with these prerequisites.
  1. Think About Skills Development: Consider subjects that will help you develop transferable skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and research skills. These skills are valuable in any career and can enhance your overall academic experience.

Related: AQA VS CIE: A Closer Look Into The Examination Boards

5 Advantages Of Opting For Cambridge A-Levels

Cambridge A-Level Courses

Opting for Cambridge A-Levels offers numerous advantages that can enhance your academic journey and prepare you for future success. Here are five key benefits of choosing Cambridge A-Levels:

1. Global Recognition & Prestige

Cambridge A-Levels are globally recognized and highly regarded by universities, employers, and governments worldwide. Achieving Cambridge qualifications demonstrates academic excellence and opens doors to prestigious universities and career opportunities around the world.

2. Academic Rigor & Depth

Cambridge A-Levels are known for their rigorous curriculum and depth of content, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of their chosen subjects. The challenging nature of the program encourages critical thinking, analytical skills, and intellectual curiosity, preparing students for the demands of higher education and beyond.

3. Flexibility & Choice:

One of the greatest advantages of Cambridge A-Levels is the flexibility it offers in subject choice. With a wide range of subjects available across various disciplines, students can tailor their studies to their interests, strengths, and career aspirations. This flexibility allows for personalized learning experiences and fosters a sense of autonomy and independence.

4. Preparation For University Success:

Cambridge A-Levels are designed to prepare students for the academic rigors of university study. The program emphasizes independent learning, research skills, and critical analysis, which are essential for success in higher education. By mastering these skills during their A-Level studies, students are better equipped to excel in university coursework and adapt to the challenges of university life.

5. Holistic Development:

Beyond academic achievement, Cambridge A-Levels promote holistic development by nurturing essential skills such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork. Through coursework, practical assessments, and extracurricular activities, students develop a well-rounded skill set that prepares them for success in both their academic and professional endeavors.

Related: Guide To A-Levels Subjects For Different Career Options

Study Tips For Excelling Cambridge A-Level Courses

Excelling in Cambridge A-Level courses requires dedication, effective study strategies, and careful preparation. Here are five study tips to help you maximize your learning and achieve success in your A-Level studies:

  1. Create a Structured Study Schedule: Develop a structured study schedule that allocates dedicated time for each subject, balancing your workload effectively. Break down your study sessions into manageable chunks, incorporating regular breaks to maintain focus and prevent burnout. Consistency is key, so stick to your schedule and adapt it as needed to accommodate your learning needs and commitments.
  1. Utilize Active Learning Techniques: Engage in active learning techniques such as summarizing, teaching others, and practicing past exam questions. Actively engaging with the material enhances comprehension, retention, and critical thinking skills. Experiment with different study methods to find what works best for you and incorporate a variety of activities to keep your study sessions dynamic and engaging.
  1. Seek Support and Collaboration: Don’t hesitate to seek support from teachers, classmates, or online resources when you encounter challenges or need clarification on concepts. Collaborating with peers through study groups or discussion forums can provide valuable insights, alternative perspectives, and mutual encouragement. Working together fosters a supportive learning environment and enhances understanding through peer interaction.
  1. Practice Time Management: Develop strong time management skills to effectively prioritize tasks, meet deadlines, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps and set realistic goals for each study session. Use tools such as planners, calendars, or apps to organize your schedule and track your progress. By managing your time efficiently, you can optimize productivity and minimize stress.
  1. Review and Revise Regularly: Consistent review and revision are essential for reinforcing learning and retaining information in the long term. Schedule regular review sessions to revisit previously covered material, reinforce key concepts, and identify areas that require further clarification or practice. Utilize revision techniques such as flashcards, mind maps, or concept summaries to condense and consolidate information effectively.

Ignite Training Institute: Tutoring Support For Cambridge A-Level Courses In Dubai

At Ignite Training Institute, we are dedicated to providing exceptional tutoring support for students enrolled in Cambridge A-Level courses. Our team of experienced tutors is committed to helping students excel academically by offering personalized guidance, tailored lesson plans, and targeted support in various A-Level subjects. Whether students need assistance with understanding complex concepts, preparing for exams, or refining their study skills, our tutors are here to provide the necessary expertise and encouragement.


1. What Is An A Level Cambridge Course?

An A-Level Cambridge course is an internationally recognized academic program offered by Cambridge Assessment International Education, providing advanced-level education in various subjects for students typically aged 16-19.

2. How Many Subjects Are Required In Cambridge A Level?

In Cambridge A-Level, students typically study three to four subjects, although the exact number may vary based on individual preferences, academic requirements, and career goals.

3. What A Levels Does Cambridge Accept?

Cambridge accepts a wide range of A-level subjects, including core subjects like Mathematics, English, and Sciences, as well as elective subjects such as Economics, History, and Languages.

4. What Are The Levels Of The Cambridge Syllabus?

The Cambridge syllabus comprises various levels, including Primary, Secondary, IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education), AS (Advanced Subsidiary), and A-Level (Advanced Level), catering to students from primary to pre-university levels.


Cambridge A-Level courses stand as a beacon of academic excellence, offering students a pathway to success through rigorous curriculum, global recognition, and personalized learning experiences. With the flexibility to choose from a diverse range of subjects and the opportunity to develop essential skills for university and beyond, Cambridge A-Levels empower students to pursue their passions, achieve their goals, and unlock endless opportunities in the ever-evolving landscape of higher education and beyond. 

Related: Why It Is Absolutely Ideal To Choose The A-Levels?

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